Tuesday 3 March marked Shrove Tuesday, the beginning of Lent.
Social Justice student leaders along with Ms Stokes went to Emmaus College for the official launch of Project Compassion for the Melbourne Archdiocese. This event drew a large crowd with representatives from the various Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools. Archbishop Peter Comensoli led the congregation in a Lenten Liturgy inspired by the work of Caritas.
Following the launch, St Vincent de Paul student members returned to Sacred Heart at lunchtime to host a fundraising Pancake Stall, with all proceeds going to Project Compassion.
On Wednesday, an Ash Wednesday class liturgy was held in each homeroom. This liturgy was inspired by the work of Project Compassion and the work of the RNDM sisters across the globe. Students were invited to ask themselves how they will give back this Lenten season and challenged to respond with big hearts to the call of the poor and marginalised in our world.
Social Justice Leader